Empowering Voices: Maritza Diaz, CEO of ITJ, Elevates the Conversation at Women Who Code Panel

SAN FRANCISCO, September 14th, 2023 — Maritza Diaz, CEO of ITJ and a renowned leader in innovation, was a standout panelist at the recent Women Who Code event, engaging the audience in a discussion titled “Panel Discussion with Leaders in Biotech and Engineering.”She shared the platform with the renowned Dana Caulder, Executive Director of Research Informatics and Software Development of Genentech, and the talented Alyss Weissglass, Software Engineer at Benchling. Their collective expertise and unique experiences contributed to a rich dialogue on advancements in the biotech and engineering sectors.

A Visionary Representation

Maritza Diaz, with her dynamic presence and profound insights, exemplified the innovative spirit of ITJ, discussing the multifaceted nature of the Biotech industry and exploring the myriad pathways to leadership within biotech and engineering realms. She expressed,

“In these progressive sectors of biotech and engineering, mastery of science is coupled with visionary leadership and adaptability. The sectors’ future is intertwined with our ability to innovate, integrate across various disciplines, and nurture a culture of incessant learning. At ITJ, we are committed to exploring new frontiers by leveraging diverse expertise and championing leadership.”

Empowerment & Diversity at ITJ

ITJ’s dedication to empowering women to excel and lead in their respective fields is a testament to its broader mission to foster diversity and inclusivity. The company has been a witness and contributor to the transformative journey of women in the tech industry, continually fostering their growth at every stage. Collaborating with initiatives like Women Who Code underscores ITJ’s commitment to cultivating a diverse and inclusive technological landscape.


This enlightening discussion would not have been possible without the outstanding contribution and organization by Women Who Code Mexico. Their commitment to creating empowering spaces for women in technology was the driving force behind this event. A special acknowledgement to the dedicated hosts and directors of the event, Michelle Macaraeg and Mahalakshmi Rajkumar, whose meticulous planning and passionate involvement were instrumental in its success.

Continued Collaboration & Commitment

ITJ is excited to strengthen its partnership with Women Who Code, working in tandem to open more doors and create opportunities for women to ascend and lead in technology.

For a more in-depth insight into the discussions and to witness the empowering dialogue, we invite you to watch our full video recording! [Link to Recording]

About Women Who Code

Since its inception in 2011, Women Who Code, an international non-profit organization, has been a catalyst for change, inspiring women globally to excel in technology and programming careers. Their vision is a world where women are proportionally represented across all segments in tech – as technical leaders, executives, founders, VCs, board members, and software engineers.

About ITJ

ITJ is devoted to serving fast-growing and high-value market sectors, particularly the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), working with innovative medical device companies looking to improve people’s lives. With a unique BOT (build, operate, and transfer) model that sources only the best digital talent available, ITJ enables companies in the US to create technology centers of excellence in Mexico. For more information, visit www.itj.com.

Dismantling Tech's Gender Gap: A vision for the future

Dismantling Tech’s Gender Gap: A Vision for the Future

Despite progress over the years, women remain underrepresented in the tech industry. As of 2022, only 28% of computing and engineering roles are held by women, notwithstanding the fact that women currently make up 47% of all employed adults in the US. Moreover, women hold only 27% of the CIO roles in the Fortune 500. In fact, the ratio of women to men in tech roles has actually decreased over the past 35 years, with half of women who enter the tech industry dropping out by age 35. The same study attributes the absence of gender gap in tech to lack of inclusivity. 

These statistics are concerning, but there is hope for a more equitable future in tech. 

Key Steps That Need To Be Taken To Dismantle Gender Divide In Tech

1. Addressing Biases in Recruitment and Hiring

One of the main reasons for the gender gap in tech is bias in recruitment and hiring. Studies have shown that both men and women are more likely to hire and promote men over women, even when they have identical qualifications. This bias can be unconscious, but it still leads to fewer opportunities for women in tech.

To address this issue, tech companies need to prioritize diversity and inclusion in their recruitment and hiring practices. This includes removing gendered language from job descriptions, implementing blind hiring practices, and ensuring that diverse candidates are included in the hiring process. Companies should also provide training for their recruiters and hiring managers on how to recognize and overcome unconscious bias.

At ITJ, we keep a constant training with our Talent Acquisition team to provide them with all the required tools to enable an unbiased recruitment process.

2. Providing Mentorship and Support

Mentorship opportunities can be highly beneficial for women in tech. Mentorship programs allow women to connect with experienced professionals in their field, learn new skills, and receive guidance on career advancement. 

Providing mentorship opportunities help women gain the necessary skills and confidence to succeed in their careers and break through the barriers that have traditionally prevented them from advancing in the industry.

At ITJ, we provide a catalog of tech talks and bootcamps addressed to women. In these mentorships they get the chance to learn from former successful women in their field and try new things in events for women by women.

3. Encourage Girls to Pursue STEM Education

One of the primary reasons for the gender gap in tech is the lack of representation of women in tech roles. Research has shown that girls tend to lose interest in STEM subjects as they progress through school. 

To address this, we need to encourage girls to pursue STEM education from a young age. This can be achieved by providing mentorship programs, hands-on learning experiences, and exposure to female role models in STEM fields. Encouraging girls to explore their interests in STEM can have a significant impact on their confidence and career aspirations.

At ITJ, we held an edition of STEMos Unidas, an in-house event inviting high school girls in Baja California to our state-of-the-art facilities to have a conversation with tech exponents in our industry to walk them through a career in tech as women. It is our goal to move stigma aside and let them know that they have everything it takes to pursue a STEM career if that is their desire.

4. Promote Inclusive Company Culture

An inclusive company culture is critical for promoting gender equality in the tech industry. Companies must create a safe and supportive work environment where women are treated with respect and are given equal opportunities. 

This includes promoting diversity and inclusion at all levels of the organization, implementing fair hiring practices, and providing opportunities for women to advance into leadership positions.

At ITJ, one of our core values as a company is that we believe talent is inclusive of all people. We foster inclusion in our workspace. As part of our community, we strive to promote diversity, respect and dignity for all employees while recruiting in an unbiased manner.

5. Promote Work-Life Balance

The tech industry has a reputation for being a high-pressure, demanding work environment. This can be particularly challenging for women, who may face additional responsibilities outside of work, such as caring for children or elderly family members. To promote gender equality in tech, companies need to prioritize work-life balance and provide flexible work arrangements that accommodate the needs of all employees.

Furthermore, flexible work arrangements, such as remote work or flexible hours, can be highly beneficial for women in tech. 

At ITJ, we offer a range of flexible work arrangements such as remote or hybrid word depending on the role for all people to feel comfortable and at ease.

6. Increase Female Representation in Leadership Positions

Women are underrepresented in leadership positions in the tech industry, which can perpetuate gender inequality. To address this, companies need to actively promote women into leadership roles and create pathways for career advancement.

It is also essential to ensure that women have access to mentorship and networking opportunities that can help them succeed in their careers.

At ITJ, we foster women equality in leadership roles and we have reached a 50-50 ratio of women and men in leadership positions within the company.

7. Address the Gender Pay Gap

The gender pay gap is a persistent problem in many industries, including tech. Women in tech earn less than their male counterparts, even when they have the same qualifications and experience. 

Companies need to address the gender pay gap by conducting regular salary audits, setting clear pay scales, and promoting transparency around salaries and compensation.

At ITJ, women and men are offered the same salary for the same job despite gender.

8. Partner with Women in Tech Organizations

There are many organizations dedicated to supporting women in tech. Companies can partner with these organizations to promote gender equality in the industry, sponsor events and initiatives, and provide funding for scholarships and other programs.

At ITJ we maintain these valuable partnerships very present in our day to day operations. We have alliances with Women Who Code, and Laboratoria.

9. Address Harassment and Discrimination

Harassment and discrimination are unfortunately all too common in the tech industry. To address this, companies need to take a zero-tolerance approach to any form of harassment or discrimination, including sexual harassment, racial discrimination, and other forms of bias. This means implementing clear policies and procedures for reporting and addressing complaints and creating a culture where harassment and discrimination are not tolerated.

At ITJ, discrimination or harassment is off-limits for every employee, and we take zero-tolerance measures in such cases.

10. Monitor and Measure Progress

Finally, it is important to monitor and measure progress in promoting gender equality in tech. This can be done by tracking the number of women in tech roles, monitoring promotion rates for women, and conducting regular surveys to assess employee satisfaction and engagement. By monitoring and measuring progress, companies can identify areas where they need to improve and make adjustments to their diversity and inclusion strategies.

At ITJ, we handle this progress seamlessly and have numbers tracked quarterly for women vs. men ratios in our company.

To sum up, the gender gap in tech is a persistent issue that needs to be addressed urgently to promote gender equality in the industry. Furthermore, the lack of gender equality in the tech industry not only affects women’s career opportunities but also limits innovation and technological advancement.

To dismantle the gender divide in tech, companies need to address unconscious bias, create more opportunities for women, encourage girls to pursue tech careers, offer flexible work arrangements, and monitor and measure progress. By taking these key steps, we can promote gender equality in the tech industry and create a more diverse and inclusive workforce.

Contact us at ITJ to learn more about how you can dismantle tech’s divide too.

About ITJ

ITJ is devoted to serving fast-growing and high-value market sectors, particularly the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), working with innovative medical device companies looking to improve people’s lives. With a unique BOT (build, operate, and transfer) model that sources only the best digital talent available, ITJ enables companies in the US to create technology centers of excellence in Mexico and LatAm. For more information, visit www.itj.com.

Maritza Diaz as winner at the Women In Tech Global Awards

Maritza Diaz recognized as winner at the Women in Tech Global Awards 2022 for the Rising Star Executive category

WomenTech Network announced the winners for the Women in Tech Global Awards 2022 celebrating 100 000 women, minorities, and allies in tech. 

TIJUANA – December 2nd, 2022 Maritza Diaz, Chief Executive Officer for ITJ, was recognized as a winner at the largest virtual awards celebration in technology for women, minorities, and their allies, Women in Tech Global Awards 2022 by WomenTech Network, the world’s largest community for women in tech with more than 6000 ambassadors from 172 countries.

Maritza Diaz won silver in the category for the Rising Star Executive. As a female leader, Maritza Diaz has made it her goal to support the growth and international competitiveness of San Diego’s life science and technology sectors. Diaz is adamant about having a positive impact on the community by inspiring other women to seek careers as business leaders and by promoting civic engagement. As CEO of ITJ, Maritza is keen on reducing the gender gap in the workplace, and currently holds a male – female ratio of 54% – 46% at the management level. Furthermore, ITJ is the creator of multiple educational programs promoting women inclusion in the tech scene, such as the trainee program, an in-house educational platform, hackathons, bootcamps, etc.

“To my team: This recognition is for you. The importance of striving for gender parity in our company is something we always have in mind, and I am extremely proud of the kindness and values of the people that surround me. As part of our objective to solve the gender gap in the workplace, we must continue our work and continue to inspire new female talent”, said Diaz.

The Women in Tech Global Awards have acknowledged the people and organizations that understand the value of diversity and help to create a more welcoming tech industry. And at the celebration, WomenTech Network has been able to shine a light on the most accomplished and inspiring female tech leaders, mentors, and rising stars from around the world.

About WomenTech Network

WomenTech Network is the world’s leading community for women in tech with more than 6,000 Global Ambassadors representing 172 countries. 70,000 tech leaders have collaborated with the network to date in order to cultivate a diverse global network that reaches 3.5 million people. WomenTech Network strives to empower women in tech through leadership development, professional growth, and mentorship programs. WomenTech Network hosts regular career networking events and a global tech conference for members to connect with like-minded professionals and learn about job opportunities at leading companies that value diversity.

About ITJ

ITJ is devoted to serving fast-growing and high-value market sectors, particularly the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), working with innovative medical device companies looking to improve people’s lives. With a unique BOT (build, operate, and transfer) model that sources only the best digital talent available, ITJ enables companies in the US to create technology centers of excellence in Mexico. For more information, visit www.itj.com.