Empowering Voices: Maritza Diaz, CEO of ITJ, Elevates the Conversation at Women Who Code Panel

SAN FRANCISCO, September 14th, 2023 — Maritza Diaz, CEO of ITJ and a renowned leader in innovation, was a standout panelist at the recent Women Who Code event, engaging the audience in a discussion titled “Panel Discussion with Leaders in Biotech and Engineering.”She shared the platform with the renowned Dana Caulder, Executive Director of Research Informatics and Software Development of Genentech, and the talented Alyss Weissglass, Software Engineer at Benchling. Their collective expertise and unique experiences contributed to a rich dialogue on advancements in the biotech and engineering sectors.

A Visionary Representation

Maritza Diaz, with her dynamic presence and profound insights, exemplified the innovative spirit of ITJ, discussing the multifaceted nature of the Biotech industry and exploring the myriad pathways to leadership within biotech and engineering realms. She expressed,

“In these progressive sectors of biotech and engineering, mastery of science is coupled with visionary leadership and adaptability. The sectors’ future is intertwined with our ability to innovate, integrate across various disciplines, and nurture a culture of incessant learning. At ITJ, we are committed to exploring new frontiers by leveraging diverse expertise and championing leadership.”

Empowerment & Diversity at ITJ

ITJ’s dedication to empowering women to excel and lead in their respective fields is a testament to its broader mission to foster diversity and inclusivity. The company has been a witness and contributor to the transformative journey of women in the tech industry, continually fostering their growth at every stage. Collaborating with initiatives like Women Who Code underscores ITJ’s commitment to cultivating a diverse and inclusive technological landscape.


This enlightening discussion would not have been possible without the outstanding contribution and organization by Women Who Code Mexico. Their commitment to creating empowering spaces for women in technology was the driving force behind this event. A special acknowledgement to the dedicated hosts and directors of the event, Michelle Macaraeg and Mahalakshmi Rajkumar, whose meticulous planning and passionate involvement were instrumental in its success.

Continued Collaboration & Commitment

ITJ is excited to strengthen its partnership with Women Who Code, working in tandem to open more doors and create opportunities for women to ascend and lead in technology.

For a more in-depth insight into the discussions and to witness the empowering dialogue, we invite you to watch our full video recording! [Link to Recording]

About Women Who Code

Since its inception in 2011, Women Who Code, an international non-profit organization, has been a catalyst for change, inspiring women globally to excel in technology and programming careers. Their vision is a world where women are proportionally represented across all segments in tech – as technical leaders, executives, founders, VCs, board members, and software engineers.

About ITJ

ITJ is devoted to serving fast-growing and high-value market sectors, particularly the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), working with innovative medical device companies looking to improve people’s lives. With a unique BOT (build, operate, and transfer) model that sources only the best digital talent available, ITJ enables companies in the US to create technology centers of excellence in Mexico. For more information, visit www.itj.com.

The Role of Agile Mindset in BioMedTech Software Development Projects

The Role of Agile Mindset in BioMedTech Software Development Projects

Across industries, from the financial sector to manufacturing and retail, organizations increasingly adopt agile mindset. However, one sector where agile’s impact is significant, yet underreported, is the biomedical technology (BioMedTech) industry. Specifically, its application in software development projects is altering the BioMedTech landscape. This blog explores the crucial role agile mindset plays in BioMedTech software development projects, with a focus on a nearshoring company’s perspective that collaborates with US Life Sciences companies.

The BioMedTech Landscape and Agile Mindset: Key Statistics

According to a 2023 Gartner study, BioMedTech companies that employ the agile mindset in software development projects see a 50% increase in product deployment speed, a 35% improvement in stakeholder satisfaction, and a 20% decrease in project costs compared to those that don’t. Given these impressive stats, it’s hardly surprising that agile principles have become a fundamental aspect of BioMedTech software development projects.

Agility in BioMedTech: Bridging the Gap

Traditionally, the BioMedTech industry has been challenged by complex regulatory landscapes, long development timelines, and the necessity to ensure patient safety. Consequently, the need for a flexible, efficient, and result-oriented approach is evident. Therefore, agile mindset steps into this space, offering BioMedTech organizations a means to adapt quickly to changing requirements, foster better collaboration, and deliver high-quality software.

With agile, BioMedTech companies get the opportunity to break down complex software development projects into manageable ‘sprints’. These sprints facilitate quicker feedback, offer the potential to incorporate necessary changes promptly, and, most importantly, minimize risks related to product quality or regulatory compliance.

BioMedTech Software Development: Agile’s Role in Nearshoring

BioMedTech software development has long been a crucial facet of the U.S. life sciences industry, an industry which continues to thrive due to its commitment to innovation and best practice adoption. Among these trends, Agile methodologies and nearshoring have emerged as two particularly impactful developments. 

Agile methodologies, with their iterative, feedback-oriented approach, allow for the creation of more robust, user-friendly, and adaptable BioMedTech software solutions. By the same token, nearshoring — especially to locales like Mexico with its strong technical talent pool, cultural similarities, and favorable time zones — offers cost efficiencies and streamlined project management. For U.S. life sciences companies, combining these two trends means keeping up with the fast-paced, dynamic demands of the healthcare sector while simultaneously managing costs and accelerating speed to market. This strategic fusion of Agile software development practices and nearshoring to Mexico, thus, is shaping the future of the BioMedTech industry in significant ways.

The global nature of these organizations allows them to take advantage of varied time zones, effectively creating a 24-hour development cycle. Accordingly, agile becomes the backbone of this process, ensuring the smooth functioning of the continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) model.

Nearshoring BioMedTech firms leverage agile mindset to tackle the geographical distance and keep the entire team on the same page. With tools for daily stand-ups, backlog management, and sprint planning, these organizations ensure transparent, efficient communication despite physical distances. Thus, they manage to uphold quality, meet deadlines, and satisfy stakeholders.

Embracing the Agile Culture in BioMedTech

In conclusion, agile mindset is not just another project management technique for BioMedTech companies. It’s a culture, a mindset that empowers them to deliver high-quality softwares, reduce costs, and enhance stakeholder satisfaction.

As the BioMedTech sector continues to evolve, agile mindset seems to have firmly cemented its position as the preferred approach for software development projects. For US Life Sciences companies, this translates into increased efficiency, client satisfaction, and a distinct competitive edge.

In need of agile experts in the Life Sciences Industry? Contact us right away!

About ITJ

ITJ is devoted to serving fast-growing and high-value market sectors, particularly the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), working with innovative medical device companies looking to improve people’s lives. With a unique BOT (build, operate, and transfer) model that sources only the best digital talent available, ITJ enables companies in the US to create technology centers of excellence in Mexico and LatAm. For more information, visit www.itj.com.

Best practices for nearshoring software development in biotech and healthtech industry

Best Practices for Nearshoring Software Development in the BioTech and HealthTech Industry

Development of healthtech and biotech software demands exceptional expertise; what only a few know is sometimes that expertise is found on the other side of the border. Given that software development engineers form the backbone of numerous healthtech products, what steps can be taken if no suitable candidates are found within the country?
Nearshore software development has witnessed significant growth, with a projected CAGR of 8.5% from 2021 to 2028. For businesses in these sectors looking for effective and high-quality development services, nearshore software development has emerged as the perfect solution. In order to help organizations realize the full potential of nearshore partnerships, we analyze in this blog the best practices for nearshoring software development in the biotech and healthtech sector.

Ideal Practices for Nearshoring Software Development if you are in the BioTech and HealthTech Industry

Understanding BioTech and HealthTech Industry-Specific Needs

One of the fundamental aspects of successful nearshore software development in the BioTech and HealthTech industry is a comprehensive understanding of industry-specific needs. A reputable nearshore software development company possesses a deep knowledge of the complexities, regulations, and requirements in these sectors. 

By being well-versed in the latest trends and technologies in BioTech and HealthTech, the development team can deliver tailored solutions that address the unique challenges faced by clients.

Leveraging Highly Skilled Talent

The success of any nearshore software development project heavily relies on the expertise of the team involved. In the context of the BioTech and HealthTech industry, working with a nearshore partner that boasts a pool of highly skilled and qualified professionals is paramount. 

Altogether, the development team should include software engineers, data scientists, healthcare domain experts, and quality assurance specialists, among others. Finally, this diverse skill set ensures a holistic approach to problem-solving and yields innovative solutions that align with industry standards.

Ensuring Seamless Communication

Clear and effective communication is the backbone of successful nearshore software development projects. When working with a nearshore partner, it is crucial to establish seamless communication channels to bridge geographical and cultural gaps. 

Regular video conferences, daily stand-ups, and collaborative tools need to be leveraged in order to foster real-time interaction between the client and the development team. Consequently, such an approach not only facilitates timely updates and feedback but also fosters a sense of unity in pursuing project goals.

Emphasizing Data Security and Compliance

The BioTech and HealthTech industries handle sensitive and confidential data, making data security and compliance top priorities. Therefore, a reliable nearshore software development company should adhere to strict data protection measures and comply with industry-specific regulations, such as HIPAA and GDPR. 

Furthermore, robust security protocols, encrypted communication channels, and secure infrastructure are indispensable in safeguarding critical information throughout the development process.

Employ Agile Development Methodology

Agile development has proven to be highly effective in the software development landscape, particularly in dynamic industries like BioTech and HealthTech. By adopting an Agile approach, the nearshore development team is able to deliver iterative, incremental updates, accommodating changes and improvements throughout the project lifecycle. 

This flexibility ensures that the final software product aligns perfectly with the client’s evolving requirements and industry trends.

Conducting Rigorous Testing and Quality Assurance

In the BioTech and HealthTech sectors, software solutions play a crucial role in research, diagnostics, and patient care. Consequently, ensuring the utmost quality and reliability is non-negotiable. 

A dedicated quality assurance team, coupled with comprehensive testing processes, must be integral to the nearshore software development strategy. Moreover, rigorous testing minimizes the risk of bugs and errors, guaranteeing that the software performs optimally and meets industry standards.

Nearshoring software development in the BioTech and HealthTech industry opens a world of opportunities for businesses aiming to capitalize on technological advancements. By following the best practices outlined in this blog, companies are able to forge successful partnerships with nearshore software development providers, unlocking the potential to deliver innovative solutions that drive growth, improve patient outcomes, and push the boundaries of these vital industries. Through a shared commitment to expertise, communication, security, and quality, the future of nearshoring in BioTech and HealthTech looks exceptionally promising.

Need an A+ team of specialized software engineering professionals in the Life Sciences Industry? Contact us right away!

About ITJ
ITJ is devoted to serving fast-growing and high-value market sectors, particularly the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), working with innovative medical device companies looking to improve people’s lives. With a unique BOT (build, operate, and transfer) model that sources only the best digital talent available, ITJ enables companies in the US to create technology centers of excellence in Mexico and LatAm. For more information, visit www.itj.com.