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Are you struggling to find software engineers?

The struggle to find well-trained software engineers has become an issue for enterprises globally, but is now more concentrated in the US. When firms hold open software engineering roles for months, the problem might appear obvious: There just aren’t enough developers. According to ManpowerGroup’s US skills shortage statistics, 69% of US companies would struggle to fill positions in 2020. Tech jobs are among the top ten most difficult to fill. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the scarcity of engineers in the United States will reach 1.2 million by 2026, while 545K software developers will have left the market by then.

The majority of businesses are already attempting to solve the skills shortage. In the last five years, hiring developers as contractors and freelancers has been the most common method to address skills shortages. The truth is that no one solution fits all, but we present one here:

Nearshore and create technology centers of excellence in Mexico. The worldwide Covid-19 epidemic showed us that most businesses can successfully run a remote workforce, implying that the geographic and educational constraints that most companies previously faced are now essentially non-existent. It’s time to investigate fresh possibilities and think outside the box. Take a nearshoring solution, for instance, where working with a partner can bring you benefits such as: A contract, having a single cost, and does not need the adaption of additional offices, new equipment, or extensive training. Nearshore software professionals don’t need to learn new technologies and already have a lot of expertise and outcomes in their portfolios to help the new customer right away.

Mexico is a strategic location that allows firms to operate inside the thriving border economy while also improving relationships between Mexican and American industries. Mexico offers excellent quality for moving global and binational corporate investments, thanks to its unique cross-border integration and IT/Software development and its transnational culture and high-end binational talent pool.

About ITJ

ITJ serves fast-growing and high-value market sectors. With a unique BOT (build, operate, and transfer) model that sources only the best digital talent available, ITJ enables companies in the US to create technology centers of excellence in Mexico. We create long-term relationships with partners and build highly-trained and reliable teams. For more information, visit

Remote working, more cooperation, digital transformation, and other factors put new and rising strains on the workforce. Most organizations will need to adapt their staff to fulfill these needs to stay competitive. To nearshore is an achievable goal a company can set to find trained and qualified software engineers.

The future of Software Engineering by ITJ

The future of software engineering

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, job possibilities in software development will expand by 22% from 2020 to 2030, well above the national average growth rate of 8% for all professions. These figures indicate that software engineering has a promising future, especially as new software development trends drive the field forward.

But what does the future hold for the key industries regarding software engineering?

For Health Tech, software engineering revolutionizes the collecting and processing of health data, opening up previously unimagined diagnostic and preventive disease possibilities. This increased interest in telemedicine and telehealth and the development of the IoT have led to the emergence of a new industry: the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT). It combines the usage of numerous wearables, such as ECG and EKG monitors, to cover some of the most frequent medical data, including skin temperature, glucose level, and blood pressure readings.

To know more about IoMT, you can visit IoMT and Medical Device Cybersecurity

For FinTech, the advent of online and mobile payments, as well as alternative financing, has increased the demand for financial management software 66.7% of bank executives said they already interact with FinTech and major tech businesses to develop new services for their clients. In addition, the financial sector is highly software-intensive, so an excellent specialization in studies could turn attractive to many undergraduates in IT. 

For eLearning, purchasing educational resources through the internet has become the new normal. According to this study, the eLearning industry will grow to more than 370 billion dollars by 2025, up from 101 billion dollars in 2019. 

For eCommerce with online shopping forecast to quadruple in size by 2023, reaching 6.3 trillion dollars, eCommerce software development is the trendiest field for software developers to work in. As systems progress, autonomous systems will come to play a critical role in delivering, integrating, and interoperating to meet supply chain needs. The expansion of commercial systems in the fourth industrial revolution necessitates connectivity, information transparency, technical aiding systems, and decentralized decision-making for electronic commerce systems to be sustainable. As a result, imagining commercially creative ideas needs smooth and interoperable solutions widely acknowledged across the business ecosystem. It necessitates fast network connectivity, scalable communication across systems and devices in storage and architecture, and transaction decentralization.

For R&D, corporations and governments rely greatly on innovative tech solutions to pursue innovative solutions and discoveries. This trend will continue to gain traction, as software programming research and development will increasingly rely on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning solutions soon. As a result, companies are investing more in R&D than they have in the past. In a recent poll of prominent European companies, 52% said their organizations would increase R&D budgets in the next year or two, and 67% said they aim to do so in the long run. The reason is simple, companies who invest in software R&D will gain a competitive advantage. Those that do not will lose clients and be relegated to a second-tier position in their industry.

Programming will pervade practically all business domains and our daily lives in the future of software engineering. The imperative need for skilled software engineers will mold new hiring processes in any business worldwide, and the lack of talent for some countries could harm their speed in operations. Luckily the best solution for this kind of scenario is called Nearshoring. If you want to know more about acquiring the best talent for your company, you can visit How to Choose Your Nearshore Software Provider?.

About ITJ

ITJ is devoted to serving fast-growing and high-value market sectors, particularly the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), working with innovative medical device companies looking to improve people’s lives. With a unique BOT (build, operate, and transfer) model that sources only the best digital talent available, ITJ enables companies in the US to create technology centers of excellence in Mexico. For more information, visit

New CoE in Tijuana

A new Software Center of Excellence settles in Tijuana, Mexico

Tijuana is once again honored with opening a new Center of Excellence in Tijuana’s bustling Zona Río. The new facilities that will welcome a market-leading medical device organization that focuses on the continuous development of its IoMT mobile and cloud-based software platform for insulin delivery and monitoring offer an energizing collaborative workspace filled with local flare. The space is equipped to host 140 full-time staff members with another 100 co-working stations for visitors and our growing hybrid team located across Mexico.

In recent years, San Diego and Tijuana have been in the eye of innovation and technological forecasters, including the Montreal-based World Design Organization. Recently the region has been chosen as the World Design Capital for 2024, beating Moscow. The award recognizes the region’s leadership in design across economic, technological, and cultural sectors. Two countries mean more room to grow and prosper. 

For companies creating revolutionary IoMT smart medical processes and devices, Tijuana has become a key partner that helps accomplish the IoMT company’s strategic goal of confidently and cost-effectively enhancing its highly skilled digital engineering capabilities without sacrificing quality and productivity. 

The nearshore approach encourages growth in many ways, allowing companies to establish world-class software engineering centers of excellence. With the help of the right partner, more organizations are currently flourishing with the right experts. 

To know more about the potential and fast-developing innovation hub Tijuana is, you can visit Tijuana Leads Innovation with Borderless Business Congress.