A day in the life of a software engineer What to expect

A Day in the Life of a Software Engineer: What to Expect

A growing number of people are entering the field of software engineering. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a 25% increase in employment for this field by 2031. But what do software engineers actually do? What happens throughout a typical day? 

In this blog, we dive deep into the daily routines and tasks that a typical software engineer encounters on a regular basis. Join us as we shed light on the behind-the-scenes world of software development.

Waking Up to a Fresh Start

Most software engineers start their day between 7 am to 9 am. Although, the flexibility in starting times is often a perk of the job, especially for those working in nearshoring companies that work across multiple time zones. A good breakfast and perhaps a brisk workout precede the workday, ensuring the engineer is fueled and ready for a productive day.

Morning: Stand-ups and Setting the Pace

The day typically starts with a daily stand-up meeting. In this meeting, which usually lasts for about 15 minutes, each team member updates the group on what they worked on the previous day, outlines their plan for the current day, and mentions any roadblocks they might be facing. This is a practice adopted from agile methodologies and helps ensure transparency and coordination among team members.

Coding: The Heart of the Day

After the stand-up, the real action begins. Software engineers dive into writing code, reviewing code from peers, and integrating code into the main project. This requires intense focus, as even a small mistake can lead to big problems down the line. 

Many engineers prefer to work in blocks of uninterrupted time, often using techniques like the Pomodoro Technique, where they work intensively for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break.

Mid-Day: Refresh with a Break

A lunch break around noon provides a much-needed break. Many engineers use this time not just to refuel but also to engage in informal discussions with peers, often resulting in spontaneous brainstorming sessions. After lunch, it’s not unusual for engineers to take a short walk or even indulge in a quick power nap to recharge.

Afternoon: More than Just Coding

The afternoon often involves more collaborative work. This is the time for team meetings, discussions with software engineering managers, and perhaps even a session with the design team. Indeed, software engineering is not an isolated profession. It requires constant interaction with other departments to ensure that the final product aligns well with the user’s needs and business goals.

Wrapping Up: Committing Changes and Planning Ahead

As the day nears its end, engineers wrap up their coding tasks, commit their changes to the code repository, and ensure that all documentation is updated. Before signing off, they might also set the stage for the next day by reviewing tasks and priorities.

Continuous Learning: Staying Updated

The tech world evolves rapidly. Thus, many engineers dedicate some time either before or after their main work hours to learn about new technologies, languages, or tools. Whether it’s a new programming language, a software update, or the latest in AI and machine learning, staying updated is a non-negotiable aspect of being a successful software engineer.

Many leverage talent development platforms which are 100% free such as miCoach, where you can register and start attending UCSD-endorsed bootcamps.

Conclusion: More than Meets the Eye

The life of a software engineer goes beyond just writing code. It’s a blend of creativity, problem-solving, collaboration, and continuous learning. For those considering a career in software engineering, especially with nearshoring companies, it promises both challenges and immense rewards. Each day offers a new problem to solve, a new feature to design, and a satisfaction that comes from building solutions that impact millions. 

Dive in, and experience a profession that remains at the forefront of innovation and change. Are you ready to start? Explore our job openings and land your job.

About ITJ

ITJ is devoted to serving fast-growing and high-value market sectors, particularly the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), working with innovative medical device companies looking to improve people’s lives. With a unique BOT (build, operate, and transfer) model that sources only the best digital talent available, ITJ enables companies in the US to create technology centers of excellence in Mexico and LatAm. For more information, visit www.itj.com.

Software engineering myths vs realities

Software Engineering: Myths vs. Realities

Being a software engineer is one of the most rewarding and challenging careers in the world. If you’re considering a job in software, do you worry that you won’t be a good fit for the field? Perhaps you’re concerned about the industry’s demand and requirements of such a role.

For instance, as technology continues to play a crucial role in practically every aspect of modern life, the demand for software engineers has been gradually rising in recent years. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of software engineers is projected to grow 21% from 2019 to 2029, much faster than the average for all occupations. This growth is driven by the increasing use of software in business, healthcare, and other industries, as well as the need for mobile apps, cybersecurity, and cloud computing.

Now that you know that you are needed in this field, there may be many preconceived notions and misconceptions related to careers in software engineering out there. Here we are pointing them out so you know exactly what you are getting yourself into.

Myths vs. Realities of pursuing a software engineering career

Myth #1: Being a software engineer is just about writing code all day

While coding is a vital part of a software engineer’s job, it is just one of the many responsibilities they have. Software engineers work with project managers, stakeholders, and other team members to understand requirements and goals, test and debug code, and constantly learn about new technologies and software engineering practices. According to this study, the average software engineer spends only 35% of their time writing code.

Myth #2: Software engineering is a solitary job

Software engineers work in teams and collaborate with others regularly. They communicate with project managers, stakeholders, and other team members to ensure that the final product meets the business’s and its users’ needs. Furthermore, they work with other software engineers to review code, troubleshoot problems, and share knowledge and best practices.

Myth #3: All software engineers are the same

Software engineers come from a variety of backgrounds and have different skill sets and areas of expertise. Some software engineers specialize in front-end development, while others specialize in back-end development or data science. Some engineers are experienced in specific programming languages or technologies, while others have a broad range of skills and experience.

Myth #4: Software engineering is an easy job

Software engineering can be quite challenging. Software engineers must be able to think critically, solve problems, and write efficient and effective code. They must also be able to adapt to new technologies and software engineering practices, as the field is constantly evolving. In addition, software engineers must be able to work well under pressure and meet tight deadlines.

Myth #5: Software engineers require a degree

You don’t need a college degree to begin a career in software engineering. It’s no longer required to have a computer science degree to succeed in this industry because there are so many other ways to learn how to code.

There are various methods to start your career in coding, whether you enroll in a coding course, teach yourself, or begin an apprenticeship.

To sum everything up, working as a software engineer is a lucrative and difficult job that entails much more than just creating code. It needs collaboration, critical thinking, flexibility, and a desire to continuously learn and advance. 

Software engineering is a dynamic and fascinating profession that offers many prospects for both personal and professional advancement, despite the fact that there may be some misconceptions about it.

If you’ve been thinking about diving into this world, or are already learning to code, visit https://bit.ly/3hAgkth. There you will find open positions, courses, and bootcamps for you to keep on track towards your goal.

About ITJ

ITJ is devoted to serving fast-growing and high-value market sectors, particularly the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), working with innovative medical device companies looking to improve people’s lives. With a unique BOT (build, operate, and transfer) model that sources only the best digital talent available, ITJ enables companies in the US to create technology centers of excellence in Mexico. For more information, visit www.itj.com.

Global chip shortage

What is the Global Chip Shortage?

The supply chain bottlenecks we’re experiencing worldwide start with chips, specifically, chip shortages. Only a few previous unbalanced markets can compare to the current global chip shortage. However, it is exceptional in the breadth of product groups experiencing a supply and demand mismatch. And there are no signs of the phenomena slowing down any time soon.

Chip vendors have raised prices by 5% to 15% across the board in response to supply restrictions and rising raw material shortages and expenses. Price increases for older analog and diode technologies have reached 20% to 25%. According to Jabil, these rises, like the shortages, are likely to persist beyond 2023.

Certainly, it isn’t the first time this has happened; severe chip shortages have occurred before, including in 1988 owing to excessive demand and in 2000 due to a scarcity of many Intel products. Then there was the 2011 earthquake in Japan, which produced a significant shortage of NAND memory and screens. Today, the global chip shortage is due to an increasing lack of skilled personnel, particularly highly qualified engineers needed to develop new chips and handle production challenges for ever more complicated ones. 

Many sources quoted by the WSJ said that the supply-demand disparity is widening because of the talent shortage:

“The world’s leading chipmakers are competing for personnel to staff the billion-dollar-plus facilities they are constructing worldwide to address a semiconductor shortage. […] New chip-making facilities, known as fabrication factories, need the employment of thousands of college-educated engineers. Technicians supervise and manage the production process, while researchers contribute to developing new types of chips and manufacturing methods.”

Furthermore, according to a research by Eightfold.ai, about 70,000 to 90,000 people or more would need to be hired in the United States alone by 2025 from 2020 levels to cover the most important manpower demands for predicted fab development. So, how can companies cope with this talent shortage they are facing?

One solution is nearshoring. Nearshoring is a tried-and-true method of staying competitive by recruiting talented individuals in the same time zone but living in lower-cost-of-living locales. 

Here is everything you need to know about the tech talent shortage and what you can do about it: Are you struggling to find software engineers?

ITJ supports fast-growing and high-value market areas by assembling talented teams, saving organizations valuable time and resources in recruitment, and establishing big, low-cost, high-performance software engineering centers. Get in touch with us, and we can help you solve your talent shortage obstacles.

About ITJ

ITJ is a trusted partner in building the finest software engineering teams in the Americas. For more information, visit www.itj.com.