Debunking myhts about salesforce blog

Debunking Myths about Salesforce

In the realm of tech, few names resonate with the force of innovation as loudly as Salesforce. Here’s a fact that might reshape some common Salesforce myths: Its market share in the CRM software market stood at 23.8% in 2023, showcasing its dominance in this sector​​. This statistic dispels the idea that Salesforce is losing market share and illustrates the critical impact that Salesforce has played in influencing customer relationship management methods across sectors.

However, behind its omnipresence and market dominance lurk public perceptions that, though once rooted in fact, have evolved into myths. These beliefs may dissuade tech enthusiasts and prospective candidates from fully understanding the diverse world of opportunities that Salesforce offers.

Here we tackle Salesforce myths head-on, revealing the dynamic truth about this staple of the tech industry.

Salesforce Myths

Myth 1: Salesforce Is Just for Sales Teams

When sales force automation first entered the scene, it was, indeed, Salesforce’s most defining feature. But as the tech landscape shifted, so did Salesforce’s portfolio. Today, it’s mistaken to limit the platform’s scope to merely sales support. From marketing and customer service to IT project management, Salesforce adapts to diverse professional roles. With its comprehensive suite of tools and the capacity to integrate with countless third-party apps, Salesforce offers a robust foundation for any business function for any company.

Myth 2: Salesforce Technology Is Outdated

Salesforce has been a pioneer in leveraging cloud computing to empower businesses with flexible and scalable platforms, setting a benchmark for SaaS companies worldwide. The myth of obsolescence falls flat in the face of technologies like Einstein AI and IoT integrations that Salesforce incorporates into its native functionalities. By regularly updating and evolving its services, Salesforce remains not just relevant but a leader in the tech space.

Myth 3: There’s Little Room for Innovation within Salesforce

On the contrary, innovation is deeply ingrained in Salesforce’s ideology. The platform’s malleability allows for almost limitless customization, driving solutions for a myriad of business challenges. Moreover, the Salesforce AppExchange alone offers over 3,000 apps and components ready to plug into any organization’s setup. This promotes a culture of innovation that not only accommodates but actively seeks unique, client-specific adaptations.

Myth 4: Salesforce Skills Are Niche and Not Transferable

Salesforce equips professionals with a suite of skills that extend far beyond its proprietary applications. Training and experience in Salesforce technology means exposure to cloud computing, customer relationship management, and robust API functionalities — all highly transferable across the tech landscape. The high demand for Salesforce tech experts further underscores its value as a universally beneficial addition to any tech skill set.

Myth 5: Getting Certified Is Too Difficult and Not Worth It

While the path to certification might seem daunting, Salesforce provides candidates with a wealth of resources through Trailhead modules, live instructor-led courses, and a vast community of professionals. A Salesforce certification is not just a badge; it’s a testament to a professional’s dedication and competence. It opens doors to lucrative tech job opportunities and career advancement, making it a highly advantageous pursuit.

Myth 6: Salesforce Projects Are All the Same

Salesforce’s adaptability means that no two projects are identical. The ability to customize the platform according to unique business needs results in a tapestry of diverse projects. Whether it’s developing service cloud solutions for a healthcare company or streamlining operations for a manufacturing giant, each project presents its own set of challenges and learning opportunities.

Myth 7: Working with Salesforce Doesn’t Offer Career Growth

The misconception that a career with Salesforce is a dead end is completely untrue. Continuous, exponential growth defines the trajectory for many Salesforce jobs. Roles like Salesforce Architect, Developer, and Consultant not only exist but are rapidly expanding in quantity and sophistication, promising an exciting tech career with ample room for personal and professional growth.

Myth 8: Salesforce Is Just a Tool, Not a Career Path

Salesforce is not just a tool; it’s a fully-fledged ecosystem that nurtures careers. The robust community surrounding Salesforce includes developers, admins, and consultants who enjoy a wealth of professional opportunities, making it a premier choice for those seeking a long-term career in tech. Moreover, the platform’s commitment to education and professional development ensures that tech careers in Salesforce are as dynamic as the platform itself.

The Future of Salesforce

Salesforce’s role in the tech industry’s future is one of continued innovation and adaptation. It’s a visionary force bridging the gap between businesses and cutting-edge technology, transforming the way we operate. With the rise of digital transformation, Salesforce is poised to be a key player, and mastering its ecosystem promises to be a strategic move for tech professionals looking to lead in the digital age.

Debunking these Salesforce myths reveals a platform that is not only current and dynamic but also a launchpad for diverse tech careers. With the flexibility to cater to various industries and problems, Salesforce is a canvas for enterprise creativity and a gateway to a fulfilling, evolving career in tech.

To those considering a path with Salesforce, now is the time to immerse yourself in this powerful platform. To the skeptics, we invite you to reevaluate and explore the wealth of opportunities that Salesforce has to offer.

Dive deeper into the dynamic world of Salesforce by exploring our open positions. Beyond what you already know lies a universe brimming with possibilities. Seize this opportunity to make your mark in an ever-evolving industry.

About ITJ

ITJ is devoted to serving fast-growing and high-value market sectors, particularly the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), working with innovative medical device companies looking to improve people’s lives. With a unique BOT (build, operate, and transfer) model that sources only the best digital talent available, ITJ enables companies in the US to create technology centers of excellence in Mexico and LatAm. For more information, visit

Top 10 tech jobs in 2023 and beyond

Top 10 Tech Jobs in 2023 and Beyond

It’s no secret that 2023 arrived filled with new challenges and innovations, especially in this competitive industry. But, what if we see all the good sides of things and start preparing ourselves? The fact is that IT talent is still in high demand, and tech jobs are more sought-after than ever. A degree in a computer-related field leads to a variety of well-paying and in-demand careers, with a typical annual salary of $97,430 USD, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The best tech jobs for 2023 have predicted growth rates of 13%, which is faster than the average rate for all professions, and pay significantly more than the $45,760 USD national median salary.

Such a bright future is also alleged by this study, where it is stated that Computer and Information Sciences is the major with the most career offers and acceptance rates, especially for postgraduate degrees, with starting salaries close to $100,000 USD. Additionally, these computer jobs offer attractive benefits packages, including retirement plans, health insurance, and other advantages. Now, to determine the various occupations in this period, we began with those with the highest predicted numbers and proportion of openings from 2020 to 2030, as calculated by the BLS.

10 Highest-Paying Tech Jobs for 2023 and Beyond

1. Information Technology Manager

Median annual salary: $159,010

Job outlook through 2030: 11%

IT Managers generally go by the names of CIOs (Chief Information Officers), CTOs (Chief Technology Officers), IT Directors, and IT Security Managers. While their responsibilities may vary from firm to firm, they often supervise an IT staff and assist corporations in navigating the ever-changing maze that is contemporary technology. IT Managers provide both short and long-term perspectives for the company’s IT requirements and goals, despite the fact that most IT managers have the technical skills to carry out the responsibilities of the employees they supervise. 

2. Computer Research Scientist

Median annual salary: $131,490

Job outlook through 2030: 22%

This role has the fewest new positions, but that is because it is a challenging sector to access. Computer Research Scientists are at the cutting edge of technological innovation and are one of the best-paying jobs in technology. The position typically requires a Ph.D., since they invent and design new technology and find new uses for the existing technology. Some computer operations are extremely complicated and need the use of sophisticated algorithms, Computer Research Scientists strive to enhance and simplify current algorithms in order to maximize the computer system efficiency.

3. Machine Learning Engineer

Median annual salary: $122,154

Job outlook through 2030: N/A

The ML Engineer focuses on researching, building, and designing self-running AI systems to automate predictive models – through the use of heuristics. It is a coding job that is always growing and evolving. Besides, to work as an ML Engineer, a master’s degree in computer science, statistics, applied mathematics, or related subjects is needed.

4. Software Developer

Median annual salary: $110,140

Job outlook through 2030: 22%

Software developers create, design, and implement computer programs. Some create new mobile or desktop applications, while others build core operating systems. In any case, software engineers analyze user needs, develop programs, test new software, and enhance it. The current demand for these types of programs, which so many businesses require, raises the professional value of software developers significantly.

5. Data Scientist

Median annual salary: $108,660

Job outlook through 2030: 2.4%

Organizations gather an increasing amount of data every day, making it the most valuable asset, which is why having data science professionals on staff is vital. A Data Scientist is a high-ranking professional with the expertise and interest to produce big data discoveries. According to Burtch Works 2021 research, level-3 data scientist managers can earn up to $250,000 USD, and the study shows that the majority of these professionals hold a master’s degree or a Ph. D. in engineering, math/statistics, or computer science. 

6. Tech Sales Engineer

Median annual salary: $103,710

Job outlook through 2030: 8%

Tech sales is an excellent way to begin a career in technology without learning how to code. Plus, skilled engineers are in high demand. Tech sales workers receive competitive pay, commission, and simple education alternatives, often with career assurances. 

The majority of Tech Sales Engineers have a degree in business, science, or technology. They must also be technologically savvy in order to present ideas, explain products, and answer questions.

7. Information Security Analyst

Median annual salary: $102,600

Job outlook through 2030: 33% (faster growth than the average)

Cybersecurity needs a new approach. Entrepreneurs cannot afford to take cybersecurity for granted as the world becomes more digitally connected and there are threats everywhere. By the end of 2021, ransomware assaults cost organizations an incredible $6 trillion, and more than 22 billion records were breached. These intrusions highlight the critical need for Information Security Analysts. The common need is a bachelor’s degree in computer science or programming, while some organizations prefer an MBA in Information Systems. 

8. Computer System Analyst

Median annual salary: $99,270

Job outlook through 2030: 7%

Computer System Analysts develop and assess computer systems for businesses and upgrade them to make them more efficient, and the majority of them are employed by IT consulting firms. Computer System Analysts top the lists of the finest IT careers because of their high job satisfaction and competitive salary, principally in the areas of cloud computing, mobile technologies, and healthcare (IoMT). Typically, candidates must have a bachelor’s degree in any computer-related subject.

9. Network and Systems Administrator

Median annual salary: $80,600

Job outlook through 2030: 5%

Even though this position has the lowest growth rate don’t let that trick you, organizations need network and system management. Network and Computer System Administrators are in high demand in almost every business in the country today. Every firm makes use of systems and networks and needs to handle its day-to-day tech operations, which include installing and maintaining intranets, etc.

Candidates for the role hold degrees in information and computer science, computer engineering, and electrical engineering.

10. Web Developer

Median annual salary: $77,200

Job outlook through 2030: 13%

Web developers create and manage websites and apps by utilizing programming languages, frameworks, and design skills. They ensure all text, graphics, video, and other components are properly rendered on the website. This is one of the few careers available that do not require a bachelor’s degree.

The bottom line is that technology is one of the most rapidly developing and in-demand sectors that is going to be generating thousands of jobs. Over the next ten years, there will be 667,000 additional jobs in computer and information sciences, according to the BLS. Use this list to estimate the salary potential, educational requirements, and employment chances for your chosen tech profession in 2023 and beyond.

About ITJ

ITJ is devoted to serving fast-growing and high-value market sectors, particularly the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), working with innovative medical device companies looking to improve people’s lives. With a unique BOT (build, operate, and transfer) model that sources only the best digital talent available, ITJ enables companies in the US to create technology centers of excellence in Mexico. For more information, visit

Top Skills in Demand for Tech Jobs in 2023

Top Skills in Demand for Tech Jobs in 2023

According to several reports, the demand for technology professionals will continue to increase in the coming years, and the job market is expected to remain highly competitive. As technology continues to advance, it becomes increasingly important for professionals to keep up with the latest trends and tech skills required for the job market. 

In this blog, we will discuss the top skills in demand for tech jobs in 2023.

Top 5 In-Demand Tech Skills for Jobs in 2023

1. Cybersecurity

As more businesses shift to online platforms and digital services, the risk of cyber attacks also increases. Therefore, cybersecurity professionals play a critical role in protecting organizations against cyber threats. 

They are responsible for identifying vulnerabilities in a system, implementing security measures to protect against attacks, and responding to security incidents. 

In-demand skills for cybersecurity professionals include knowledge of security protocols, encryption methods, and risk assessment techniques.

2. Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is becoming increasingly popular, as it allows businesses to store and access data remotely. Accordingly, cloud computing professionals are responsible for designing, deploying, and managing cloud infrastructure. 

They need to have a deep understanding of cloud architecture, virtualization technologies, and automation tools. 

In-demand skills for cloud computing professionals include expertise in cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP), as well as proficiency in programming languages like Python and Java.

3. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

AI and ML technologies are transforming several industries, from healthcare to finance to transportation. AI and ML professionals are responsible for developing algorithms that can analyze large amounts of data, learn from it, and make predictions or decisions. 

In-demand skills for AI and ML professionals include proficiency in programming languages like Python and R, familiarity with machine learning frameworks like TensorFlow and Keras, and knowledge of data visualization and analysis tools.

4. DevOps

DevOps is a methodology that combines software development and IT operations to improve the efficiency of the software development process. Overall, DevOps professionals are responsible for managing the development, deployment, and maintenance of software applications. 

They need to have a deep understanding of software development methodologies, cloud infrastructure, and automation tools. 

In-demand skills for DevOps professionals include knowledge of continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) tools, proficiency in scripting languages like Bash and PowerShell, and experience with containerization technologies like Docker and Kubernetes.

5. Data Science

Data is being generated at an unprecedented rate, and businesses need professionals who can make sense of it all. Therefore, data science professionals are responsible for analyzing and interpreting large sets of data to help businesses make informed decisions. 

They need to have a deep understanding of statistical analysis, machine learning algorithms, and data visualization techniques. 

In-demand skills for data science professionals include proficiency in programming languages like Python and R, experience with machine learning frameworks like Scikit-Learn and XGBoost, and knowledge of data warehousing and querying languages like SQL and NoSQL.

In conclusion, professionals who want to maintain their competitiveness in the tech job market in 2023 must possess these 5 in-demand tech abilities. The core ideas and principles will always be crucial, even though the specific talents and technologies may change over time. 

Professionals can set themselves up for success in the years to come by developing these abilities and remaining current with the newest trends and advances in the tech industry. Looking for a job as a software engineer? Look no further. We have a range of exciting positions available in software development, so apply today!

About ITJ
ITJ is devoted to serving fast-growing and high-value market sectors, particularly the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), working with innovative medical device companies looking to improve people’s lives. With a unique BOT (build, operate, and transfer) model that sources only the best digital talent available, ITJ enables companies in the US to create technology centers of excellence in Mexico and LatAm. For more information, visit