Diabetes awareness month with ITJ

This month, ITJ recognizes Diabetes Awareness

Did you realize that more than 1 in 5 Americans with diabetes are completely unaware of their condition? The American Diabetes Association (ADA) estimates that 7.3 million people don’t know that they have diabetes and all the associated health concerns.

Throughout the nation, communities come together to raise awareness of diabetes during National Diabetes Month in November, and ITJ is no exception. To ensure that more people understand the importance and scope of this disease on a global scale, we want to keep reaching out and talking about it.

Diabetes Treatment through time

Since its first discovery in 1923, insulin has undergone purification and current synthetic production by genetically altered microorganisms. With the use of insulin analogs, kinetics, and repeatability, it was possible to target near-normal glycemia without causing hypoglycemia, already improving patients’ lives. But they were still a long way from the tipping point.

In this scenario, patients with type 1 diabetes and some with type 2 diabetes require daily insulin administration. This also entails urine used for glucose monitoring, with specific glucose monitoring cassettes and Clinitest tablets that boil the urine. Ketones were measured using color-changing tablets. 

Years later, diabetes still requires monitoring several times a day, whether calculating every meal and snack or checking glycemia using whichever method is preferred. Patients must constantly be on the lookout for symptoms of hypoglycemia. This amount of diligence is uncommon under other circumstances. Throughout the history of contemporary diabetes management, this fact has not altered. 

Since the discovery of insulin and the development of pure clinical diagnosis, diabetes management has undergone significant advancements. Now, with the technological era, there have been several life sciences innovations for making the lives of diabetes patients easier. 

Today, a multifaceted approach is used to manage insulin levels. Aside from food restrictions, increased physical activity, lifestyle changes, weight loss, and medication, there is one big life-changer: medical devices.

If you want to learn more about diabetes treatments, visit The Future of Diabetes Treatment.

The medical devices are oriented to help diabetes patients with real-time continuous glucose monitoring. This enables accurate timing of insulin pump administration without the need for finger punctures. Plus, smart insulin delivery systems automate insulin administration increasing accuracy. 

The new technological advancements have eliminated the painful and annoying tasks involved in living with diabetes a few years ago. Now there is a whole new world in the Bio MedTech industry, companies that want to continue to provide solutions that make diabetes patients’ lives easier. 

At ITJ, we continue  our mission of empowering our partners to deliver digital innovation that improves people’s lives. We are committed to helping companies solve problems like diabetes so more people can live their lives freely and without discomfort.

About ITJ

ITJ is devoted to serving fast-growing and high-value market sectors, particularly the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), working with innovative medical device companies looking to improve people’s lives. With a unique BOT (build, operate, and transfer) model that sources only the best digital talent available, ITJ enables companies in the US to create technology centers of excellence in Mexico. For more information, visit www.itj.com.

Diabates awareness month

ITJ celebrates Diabetes Awareness Month

Did you know that 1 out of 10 people around the world is living with Diabetes? According to the IDF Diabetes Atlas, diabetes prevalence continues to rise around the globe, reaffirming Diabetes as a significant worldwide threat to people’s health and well-being. It is for this reason that November is designated as Diabetes Awareness Month.

Diabetes puts people at risk for cardiovascular damage, limb and foot injuries, vision issues, and nerve damage from uncontrolled blood sugar. Adults with Diabetes make up more than four out of five (81%) of the world’s population, and Diabetes is responsible for 6.7 million deaths in 2021 – 1 every 5 seconds. 

ITJ joins Diabetes Awareness Month by celebrating the recent opening of a new Center of Excellence in Tijuana focused on developing a revolutionary medical device that aims to improve diabetes patients’ lives.   

It is essential to recognize the innovative projects happening on the other side of the border with the help of the nearshore digital talent. Especially in the healthcare and life sciences, U.S. companies can lean on a neighbor’s shoulder and grow their teams to meet their objectives.

Because of its rapid expansion, reduced cost of living, and closeness to San Diego, the South California software development industry has considered Tijuana a potential housing option. The latest World Bank Annual Ratings in the Ease of Doing Business shows that Mexico is the best ranked among Latin America and Caribbean nations. Cali Baja region remains a natural choice for many U.S. companies due to its proximity and market maturity. 

Nearshore services are a game-changer for organizations since they can expand their team, gain scalability, and stay competitive. The history of the medical device industry in the Cali Baja region is characterized by sustained growth and increased learning, rising as one of the most important technology hubs in Mexico and Latin America. 

About ITJ

ITJ is a trusted partner in building the finest software engineering teams in the Americas. For more information, visit www.itj.com.